- 575,00 kr. monthly
(students- 495,00 kr.)
As a member of Everyday Yoga you will gain acces to unlimited yogaclasses. And you will have a discount on some workshops and events. The membership is for a minimum of 3 months, which is paid automatically on a monthly basis. If you wish to end your membership, just send us an e-mail at least one week before the due date of the next automatic payment.
Unlimited 12 month
– 6000,00 kr.
This option gives you one year of unlimited access to all classes. It is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase.
Once a week
- 349,00 kr. monthly
(student - 300,00 kr.)
If you want to join a yogaclass once a week this is a good option. You might come the same day every week or you can choose to come whenever it suits you - once a week.The membership is for a minimum of 3 months, which is paid automatically on a monthly basis. If you wish to end your membership, just send us an e-mail at least one week before the due date of the next automatic payment
- 10 clips 999,00 kr.
(student - 849,00 kr. )
- 5 clips 529,00 kr.
(student - 459,00 kr.)
This option is good if you can only come to a class now and then.
Singel class
- 115,00 kr.
This option is a one-off, single class.
- 50,00 kr.
You can only use this the very first time you attend a yoga class at Everyday Yoga
Intro - offer
3 months unlimited yoga
- 999,00 kr.
This offer is only available for new students at Everyday Yoga. It gives you a good opportunity to practice yoga regularly and feel what yoga can do to you if you commit yourself to yoga.
Stamhold 6 month
– 3999,00 kr.
You commit yourself to the same yogaclass every week and will not be able to join a different class if you can't attend one week.
Prices on workshops, events