Terms of purshase
Buying only with MobilePay or Bank transfer
We do not refund buys.
You can only buy with
- MobilePay on number: 92647
- Bank transfer on account: 0400 4018904603.
- Cash
Remember to give up you name and what kind of membership you want for the season.
If you want memebership for one class a week - then remember to say which class ou want to attend to for the season. (Tuesday at 17:00 or 19:00 or Thursday at 17:00)
Season January - Juni 2020
Spring Season 2020 starts in week 2 Thursday January 7th. and ends Thursday June 25th.
Holiday in week 7 and 15.
Once a month there will ve a Happy Hour Rocket Vinyasa Class on Fridays at 16:30 - 18:00. If you have a Full Memebership you already have a spot for the class. Everyone else have to ease a clip to attend.
Full Membership
Buy via MobilePay on number: 92647
Buy via bank transfer to acount nr. 0400 4018904603.
Give up your name.
With a full membership you have unlimited acces to alle classes in the season (January - June).
You can sign of classes with a Text message on 31421418.
Buy via MobilePay on number: 92647
Buy via bank transfer to acount nr. 0400 4018904603.
Give up your name and what class yo want to attend for the season.
With a membership to Everyday Yoga you can choose one class a week that you want to follow for the hole season (January - June).
You can sign of classes with a Text message on 31421418.
Clip cards 5 eller 10 klip
Køb via MobilePay på tlf. 92647
Køb med bankoverførsel til konto nr. 0400 4018904603.
Clipcard with 5 or 10 klip is valid for the season. You can book a spot by sender a text message to 31421418 or with via Messenger til Hanne Konstantin.
Klippekortet er personligt, og du kan derfor ikke dele det med dine venner eller familie.
1 klip
Køb via MobilePay på tlf. 92647
Et enkelt klip, der kun gælder til den ene gang du kommer hos Everyday Yoga
Køb via MobilePay på tlf. 92647
Et enkelt klip, der kun gælder til den ene gang du kommer hos Everyday Yoga for første gang. Du kan kun købe en prøvetime første gang du besøger Everyday Yoga